Tweenhills Angus
Tweenhills boasts its own herd of Aberdeen Angus cattle that produce the farm’s own brand of beef.
Following its expansion, Tweenhills has diversified and every acre is now farmed in rotation with the resident Aberdeen Angus suckler herd numbering 200.
Tweenhills Angus Beef is produced from the grass fed herd and expertly prepared and packed by the farm’s local butcher. Among the regular clients of Tweenhills Angus Beef are Gloucester Rugby Club and a number of local restaurants.
The beef has a wonderful rich depth of flavour with a fine marbling texture that the Aberdeen Angus is renowned for.
For more information and to order contact:
“If you have any queries about the herd, including about our homebred bulls for sale, or about any of our beef products, just get in touch.”

Tweenhills Aberdeen Angus is part of the CHeCS HiHealth herd Scheme run by Biobest and part of the BVD free England. We are accredited free of BVD and level 1 for Johne’s disease, with every animal on the farm over 2 years old testing negative for Johne’s. We are also part of the Red Tractor Scheme, ensuring traceability and herd health. All Cattle are vaccinated for BVD and IBR and all breeding stock vaccinated for Lepto.
Every calf born at Tweenhills is tested for BVD with the tag and test system, which helps in early detection of a PI (persistently infected animal) and these PI animals can then be removed from the herd to prevent disease spread.
We work very closely with our vets (Wood Veterinary Group) to ensure our stock is always in the best possible health. We use vet Tamsin as much as possible as she knows all our cattle. Tamsin also does our veterinary Health Plan, so we can follow specific protocols when necessary. We support the minimum use of antibiotics, but we naturally use as much as required to protect the health of the animal under strict guidance from our vets.
We do annual soil tests and fresh leaf analysis to ensure our animals get the best possible forage. Testing every field separately gives us the opportunity to add what is needed more accurately and therefore ensure a reliable supply of energy, protein and other nutrients is taken up by the grass. Aeration is very much part of our management and we aerate every field twice a year with different aerators.
We have 75 breeding females in our herd of 220 cattle.
The Aberdeen Angus breed was chosen for their great characteristics. The Angus breed is a world leader in the cattle breeding industry when looking for top quality output and manageable cattle. They are very adaptable to all weather conditions and thrive with minimum maintenance. Their feed conversion is also superior to most other breeds.
They are naturally polled (so don’t need to be dehorned) and docile which makes management easier. They have great mothering/maternal abilities, high fertility rates, easy calving, finished earlier than other breeds and do very well on forage-based systems.
They mature very early and their longevity helps with reducing replacement costs. We breed our own replacements to ensure traceability and to only add females to the herd that pass our selection criteria.
Angus cattle are known for their meat being well marbled, more tender and flavourful. Good marbling means fat is dispersed thinly and evenly throughout the meat, ensuring the consistent texture, juiciness and flavour.
We are very proud of our herd!