Zoustar is back at Tweenhills
Zoustar arrives back at Tweenhills
We are deligted to say international Gr.1 sire sensation Zoustar has returned to Tweenhills from Widden Stud in Australia as he prepares for his third season covering mares in the Northern Hemisphere.
Zoustar arrived at Tweenhills at 11pm on Thursday after a 50-hour journey. The first leg saw him travel 12 hours by road from Widden in New South Wales to Melbourne.
Zoustar then followed his now familiar 36-hour flight route, first to Singapore and on to Sharjah and then Amsterdam. Zoustar arrived at Heathrow early Thursday evening and, after a few hours on the tarmac, started the relatively short journey back to Tweenhills.
Zoustar was checked over by Tweenhills' vet John Campbell this morning and is in great shape.
Zoustar was accompanied on his journey by a very familiar face: Tweenhills stallion groom Xander Brown who stayed for the Southern Hemisphere covering season when travelling with Zoustar back to Widden in the summer.
Zoustar's progeny had another stellar season on the track in 2020 with Zoutori, Madam Rouge, Haut Brion Her, Ranting and Solar Star all winning big Stakes races Down Under.
Zoustar's two previous book of mares at Tweenhills have been oversubscribed at 125 so if you would like to discuss a nomination for your mare, contact us now +44 (0)1452 700177.

Zoustar is back at Tweenhills