Charm Spirit's first yearlings sell in Australasia
The big impression created by Charm Spirit's first yearlings in Australasia continued at the Karaka Book 1 Sale (January 28-31) near Auckland in New Zealand...
Charm Spirit, who has split his time as a stallion in the Northern Hemisphere between Tweenhills (where he'll return for the 2019 breeding season) and the Aga Khan's Haras de Bonneval, has also shuttled twice to Windsor Park Studin New Zealand.
After averaging over $216,000 at Magic Millions in January, Charm Spirit's first yearlings Down Under have also been earning rave reviews at Karaka. As a son of Invincible Spirit - also sire of leading Australasian sire I Am Invincible - interest promised to be high in Charm Spirit, and pre-sale hopes were very much realised through Book 1.
Windsor Park studmaster Rodney Schick said: "He's averaging around $130,000 [almost £75,000] and they've been a really strong line of horses. We're really happy with the way things have been going. We were pretty confident coming into the sale.
"The other important thing is that they are going into top stables with people like Ciaron Maher, Guy Mulcaster and Chris Waller buying them."
The Charm Spirit on its way to Victoria-based Irishman Ciaron Maher was Lot 319, a filly out of a mare by Savabeel (sire of the $1,025,000 sale-topper). She was purchased for $400,000 [£228,614] and Shick was not surprised by the result, saying: "That's about what we were expecting."
No fewer than 14 other Charm Spirit yearlings sold for $100,000 and more.
There was also another real head-turner among the Charm Spirits --Lot 652 was a white daughter of the stallion and she certainly attracted plenty of attention on social media!