Roaring Lion latest: Second surgery
Unfortunately, Roaring Lion has had to undergo a second colic surgery at the Cambridge Equine Veterinary Hospital this morning.
Roaring Lion had been making positive progress since his initial surgery last Saturday, but began to show symptoms of discomfort overnight.
The symptoms were evaluated by the excellent Cambridge Equine Hospital team with some international consultation and the decision was made to return to the operating table.
There were two adhesions from the first operation compromising a length of small intestine and they were removed.
David Redvers is still with Roaring Lion in New Zealand and said:
"The worst case scenario has occurred where we've had to re-operate, though he came out of his operation as well as anybody could have expected; in fact, slightly better than his previous one.
"The surgeons have had to take 25% of his small intestine out and we now have a critical 48 hours. But we are dealing with a special horse and can only hope that he makes a full recovery - if any horse is going to recover from something like this then it's him."
Heat lamps have been installed to keep Roaring Lion - and his devoted groom Reece Sutcliffe - comfortable as the temperature has dropped. Hopefully we can report better news again soon.